Saturday, October 22, 2011

Land Rover, Jaguar each gunning for 50,000 sales

Jaguar and Land Rover does specify not the charts on fire today, but the President of Great Britain and North America make one optimistic about the future. Automotive News reports that Andy Goss, Jaguar Land Rover North America new claims boss, that Land Rover 50,000 can achieve sales in 2012, while the Jaguars top 50 k annual sales in the United States could feature in the coming years.

The key to the growth in the Land Rover and Jaguar in mature markets is clearly in favour of new products and luxury brand Tata Motors is left on his tracks much closer. Land Rover 31.864 units selling in 2010 and it about 20,000 vehicles sold you to July 2011. joining the compact and stylish Evoque 2012 and Goss were also within the range of 50,000 marks.

Sales of 50,000 units in the United States beat can be quite a bit more difficult for Jaguar, such as the cat jumps only 13.340 units postponed until 2011. Feeling again poured fresh produce more metal helps to move a car and the battle of the BMW of 3 Series Sedan is at the top of the list. Other, smaller machine that well, but a bit thirsty can 5.0 litre V8 to prices in order be, even if those machines could take several years to stateside.

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