Friday, February 15, 2013


the car made by TLDinyatakan 2013 "safety top pick, a vehicle must be +" received the top rating ("good") in at least four of the five rating: moderate front overlay, overlay and little front side impact crash tests and impact assessments, rollover, and rear. The TL reaches "good" ratings in all five assessments.

 The TL is one of only two vehicles in its class to reach the top ranks of salvation click +.
Acura automotive currently holds (ALG) Gets the value of the global luxury brand. Acura had previously received this honor in 2009 and in 2010 and never falls below 2° place for five years.
A select group of Acura owners took a test drive on the streets of Los Angeles and then gets a small chance of getting to ride at TL. limits on course than encouraging nightmare. What does this distinction Acura buyers are saying


 TL manage to blend in perfect comfort with performance enthusiasts. A moment, is a large sedan TL with a comfortable ride, the shifting of the transmission is smooth and soft style. Next is the snarling sports sedan, with a substantial acceleration of the V-6, the steering wheel tight and transmission that are eager to jump between the relationship. "

I think the ELS system is one of the best car audio setup I've ever heard."Is a cost-effective solution for buyers to find the luxury SUV driving experience is really exciting. "
with the six-speed speed [Auto] make the most V-6 large TL from 3.7 liters. This provides smooth shifting, slightly better fuel economy, and improved provision of relationship helps keep the engine in
".. .a six-speed-manual car feels exciting, refreshing and specials. the new Acura 6 speed automatic super smooth and fast. climbing when throttle mashed to make a highway "

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